Sunday, October 21, 2007

Favorite hobby (doing graphic design work)

I like this site because it's always have new things going on in graphic arts. Being a graphic artist i really enjoy getting inspiration from what i see.

How someone spent their summer vacation

This was a good way to spend a summer vacation...but i can't ski lol. I enjoyed how he went into details about his summer vaction.

Development of a commercial product (software, video game, etc.)

It is my favorite blog to got to about video games. This blog offers various contest and current news going on in the video game industry.

A current political issue that you are interested in (Iraq)

I'm very upset about what is going on in Iraq right now it's horrible. This blog goes into details about certain issues going on.

The use of Instructional Technology in schools

I'm not to informed on Educational Technology, but it's becoming a new wave in education now. This blog is a good source on about Educational Technology.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

New Boondocks Wallpaper

Second wallpaper of the new season of The Boondocks. Pimp Pimp Pimp Pimp Pimp Pimp P-I-M-P Positive. It's A Pimp Named Slickback you have to say the whole thing.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

My Picks at Deviantart Today

Mana san by Louisalings

Dao Ye Huo for bladesfire by whostoleMYname